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MTBO Czech Cup - short distance and MTBO Championship of the Czech republic - long distance
21.-22. May 2005, Dolni Hbity - Jelence

| News | Basic information | Map of centre | Photos |

Basic information:

lampion Date: Saturday 21.5. 2005 - short distance.
Sunday 22.5. 2005 - Championship of the Czech republic - long distance.
lampion Organizer: Orienteering club FS Prague (Faculty of Civil Engineering of Czech Technical University in Prague) and MTBO section of the Czech Orienteering Association.
lampion Classes and supposed time of the winners:
Class 21.5. -short distance 22.5. -long distance
D14-18 35-45 minutes 70-90 minutes
DE 35-45 minutes 100-120 minutes
D 75-85 % of length of DE 75-85 % of length of DE
H14-18 35-45 minutes 100-120 minutes
HE 40-50 minutes 140-180 minutes
H19-39A 40-50 minutes 120-140 minutes
H19-39B 75-85% of length of H19-39A 75-85% of length of H19-39A
H40 35-45 minutes 100-120 minutes
HD14 (school children) 40 minutes 40 minutes
P (newcomers) 40 minut 40 minut
Foreign participants are allowed to start in the top categories HE and DE.
lampion Centre: Village Dolni Hbity - Jelence (nearby Pribram).
lampion Map: Special MTBO map updated in spring 2005, contours 5 m; on Saturday (short distance) scale 1:15000, format A4; on Sunday (long distance) scale 1:20000, format A3. The maps won't be waterproof.
lampion Terrain: Mainly woodland, undulating terrain with some steep slopes. Dense system of roads, vehicle tracks and paths, some of them are difficult to ride down (stony ground and rootage). Except for a few paths next to water streams the entire racing area has good water absorption capacity. Part of the forest is undermined (exploitation of uranium), the restricted areas are marked in the map.
lampion Entries: By Monday 9.5. 2005 e-mail: fsp@email.cz
Your entry is accepted when you obtain our reply. In the entry write us your name, class and SI card number. You can rent a SI card from organizers for 40,- CZK a day (the request should be involved in your entry). 700,- CZK for a piece of SI card have to be payed at the registration as an advance payment for the case that it is lost. The money will be payed back after the SI card is returned.
If you request an accommodation, specify the number of persons and the date of your arrival and departure as well.
lampion Accommodation: Organizers provide "hard floor gym" accommodation near the competition centre only, for 50,- CZK per person and night. We offer a possibility to store your bike in a locked building in Dolni Hbity for 10,- CZK per bike.
If you want a hostel or hotel, we can help you to find it somewhere in Pribram region.
lampion Entry fees:
Class 21.5. -short distance 22.5. -long distance
HD14 a P 50,- CZK 50,- CZK
Others 180,- CZK 360,- CZK
The registered members of the Czech orienteering association pay half of the entry fee. Entries delivered after 9.5. 2005 will be accepted as long as some vacancies are left and they will be charged by double entry fee. Classes P (newcomers) and HD14 (school children) are allowed to enroll at the registration for non increased fee of 50,- CZK.
lampion Registration: Restaurant hall at Jelence, on Saturday 21.5. 11:00 - 13:00 and on Sunday 22.5. 7:30 - 8:30.
lampion Important distances from the centre:
Parking: At the village Jelence - by 500 m
Start: By 2 km
Goal: By 500 m
Accommodation: Gym at Dolni Hbity, approximatelly 2 km.
lampion Start: Interval start - both days.
Saturday 21.5.: First start at 14:00
Sunday 22.5.: First start at 9:00
lampion Technical inspection of bikes: Bikes of classes P (newcomers), D14-18, H14-18 and HD14 (school children) will be checked by organizers at the start. Bikes of the other participants have to be equipped by tyres with size of 1,5" minimally.
lampion Protective means: All participants have to be equipped by helmet and their bike must be in a good shape, otherwise they won't be allowed to start.
lampion Electronic punching: The SI electronic punching system will be used. All participants have to read out their SI cards immediatelly after their arrival to the goal.
lampion Organizers: Director: Jan Tojnar
Referee: Radek Vondra
Course setting: Tomas Kuzel (Saturday) and Tomas Fibir (Sunday)
lampion Information: Web site http://fsp.ini.cz/mtbo2005/, or fsp@email.cz.
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